Review Review

If you’re searching for a perfect gay site, you won’t find it, perfection is unachievable, but this one comes very close. It’s highly rated due to a delightful blue-colored layout which is refreshing for your eyes, and the user interface is easy to navigate through, some might argue that there should be more filtering options, but it’s not that big of an issue.

Your interactions with models will be fulfilling, every moment is enjoyable, and they will be dedicated to performing as best as they can.

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All gay models here on the are masters of their craft and today we are going to review them, try not to drool too much in private chats, but then again who could blame you? They are absolutely beautiful, and open to various experiences and kinks. The pricing is affordable considering the quality of shows you’re getting, some might charge more than others, but you’re also getting way better shows in return.

Getting Started allows you to view the chatrooms for free, it’s a good way to start so you can check out the models and tune in on what it is they do. Some of them are singing along to the music and teasing you with their sexy moves, while others are flexing firm muscles is tight tank-tops, whatever it is, you’re going to get some insights on their personalities and interests.

If you want to communicate through chat, as with other sites, you will have to create an account, it will take 2 mins of your time tops. If you go to log in through a chat, there will be a pop-up that is going to give you extra credits once you sign up.

You will also have to link an account to a payment option, of which there are multiple options:

  • Credit Cards – Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Electron, JCB, Discover, Solo/Switch, Bleue
  • PayPal
  • Cryptocurrency – Bitcoin, Etherium, +50 Altcoins
  • Gift Cards
  • Bank Wire Transfer
  • Other Alternative Payment Options – Skrill, Paysafe Card, and many others depending on your geographic region

Pretty much any major payment option is included, which is hard to say for any other site. The amounts vary depending on your package, payment option, and geographic location, for example, $22.99 Credit Card NA, €23.99 Credit Card EU, €26.99 PayPal & Crypto EU, all of which buy you 17.99 credits.

The more you buy, the more bonus tokens you’re going to get, and you can even deposit a custom amount of money to trade for credits.

Types of Shows and Models

As mentioned before the filtration is pretty simple, primarily focusing on body types, but considering this site doesn’t have that many models compared to some others, you don’t really need that many.

The number is usually hovering around 100, which in itself is a solid amount considering the quality.

One thing that struck my eye is how beautiful and professional these models look. Cameraboys has made sure to hire only the best performers, for which no one can blame them. They have strict rules when it comes to camera requirements, and most of these guys are pros at what they do.

Most of them are between 18-30 years old, and you will be surprised by how many 18-19 year-olds there are here, so in hindsight, there are a lot of twinks, some athletic types, and some next-door neighbor you would like to bank type.

It’s easy to check out what’s going on in the chatrooms, you can hover over the picture and see for yourself what’s going on, but don’t expect to see much other than usual chatting with potential private cam customers.

Their openness to communication stands out, always ready to reply to any questions, and will even ask you back, in order to find more about you, so it’s not all pretending, they want to know who they’re sharing time with, and it deepens your connection, making private shows an absolute banger.

User Options

Once you enter a chat, besides the big screen with the performer on, you can see everything about them through their bio, where they got all their interests and kinks listed, it’s a good way to find out more about the model.

If you scroll down, there are some pics and videos, some of which are free, but there’s also some locked content that you will have to pay for in order to see. The bad thing is, you don’t know what that content is, there is no preview, or just a snippet so you would have a clue if it’s for you, but then again it’s 3 tokens, so it might be a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Or you can buy a membership and have all that content free of charge.

You can also see how the model is rated by other users, and if you like him, make sure to add to favorites, so every time you log in, he’s going to be at the top of your list.


The shows will cost you around $2 per minute, and those can go up depending on whether or not you want to go cam to cam, and sound on, both of which are paid extra.

It might seem pricey, but considering the shows, you’re getting, and the kind of models you’re working with, I would say it’s quite fair.

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The whole experience in private chats is on another level, you’re guaranteed to have a solid, memorable show, and these hot gay men will make sure to treat you properly so you come back to for more.

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